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Our nonprofit leaders are tasked with solving our most critical issues – meeting the needs of communities, driving social justice solutions, and leading the advocacy and movement work to transform systems. We must prioritize the wellbeing of our nonprofit workforce if we want to succeed in advancing our social justice and racial equity agenda. Our dedicated, passionate nonprofit workforce needs adequate rest and repair to sustain themselves, and continue their work for the long term.
The National Center for Family Philanthropy (NCFP) and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) are pleased to announce a multi-session Learning and Action Cohort for family philanthropies and individual donors who are significantly scaling up their philanthropy. Once a foundation or other form of philanthropy reaches a certain size, more robust practices and approaches are required in order to maximize impact. This program will support and guide families and professional staff as they adopt the necessary organizational changes to support an influx of assets with peer learning, hands-on workshops, consultation, and expert guidance from others who have successfully maneuvered similar transitions.
“We are the ones we have been waiting for” is true for almost everything we do in our fight for equity and justice here in the Bay Area and beyond. As we seek to dismantle some of the inequitable and short-sighted funding practices of philanthropy, the same sentiment is true. Many community leaders across Northern California have been calling for a system shift for decades. And now is the time to take action.
No matter where you start, success in life starts at home for all ages and all people. When we have safe, secure places to live – whether you rent or own – parents earn more, kids learn better, health and well-being improve, and our communities are strengthened. To build this future, we need to bring the Bay Area’s capacity for innovation and problem-solving to the challenge of preserving our pre-existing affordable housing. The constant loss of affordable units to the speculative market is accelerating the
displacement of working class and poor families - shedding our region of its diversity, vibrancy, and equity of opportunity.
Philanthropy California is reviving our Sacramento Advocacy Day, back in-person since 2019! This convening is a unique opportunity to connect policymakers and philanthropy across the State and emphasize the importance of cross-sector collaboration. Join us April 1 & 2, 2025 at the State Capitol for a day and a half of programming and legislative meetings for opportunities to partner together on critical issues impacting our state as we welcome a new Congress and representatives.
The Rising Leaders Cohort offers emerging leaders the technical and transformational skills to move into your power within philanthropy. The cohort is designed for individuals with a deep-seated commitment and passion for advancing your leadership journey and your impact. The 6-month cohort program offers training around growing in your self-awareness, emotional intelligence, power mapping, relationship management, values alignment, facilitation, and conflict management and transformation.
Who Holds the Mic? How can funders redesign reporting to better support learning and center grantee voices in reporting for impact. This session will dive into five years of data collection on reporting practices, examining emerging trends and practical pathways for change.
Participants will hear from funders and nonprofit leaders about their experiences moving away from extractive reporting models and toward collaborative, efficient, and learning-driven approaches. We’ll explore the intersection of reporting, AI tools, and continuous improvement, offering tangible strategies to reshape grantmaking for impact.