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San Francisco, CA -- Northern California Grantmakers today released a REPORT examining the effects of the 2017 North Bay Fires on the arts communities in three counties. Commissioned with funding from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the report finds that artists have been profoundly impacted by the fires, due to physical and economic loss as well as emotional trauma, with the impact of the fires disproportionately felt among arts organizations serving communities of color in the region.
We all have felt the impact of heat waves this summer, but the costs and stakes are different across communities and neighborhoods in California. While temperatures rise in California, so do extreme heat illnesses and heat mortality. Those most impacted are unlikely to live in cooler coastal communities, or have access to air-conditioned homes.
The Resourcing Resilience report, created in partnership between Philanthropy California and Nonprofit Finance Fund, provides a landscape analysis of public and philanthropic investments in climate resilience and serves as a call to action for both sectors to unlock pathways to more equitable, accessible funding. Philanthropic and government funders have important roles to play in addressing the real challenges communities face when securing funding for their work on climate adaptation, mitigation, and disaster resilience. Neither can achieve meaningful and equitable climate action alone, and community-led solutions require coordinated public and private support. The actions recommended in this report outline a path forward for ensuring communities are able to access funding they need.
On December 20, 2022, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake hit rural Humboldt County in the early morning, followed by over 60 substantial aftershocks.
In the kickoff of out Mic Drop Series, hear from Aria Florant on philanthropy's role in reparations.
We want to extend our deepest gratitude for Alan Kwok for serving as NCG’s and Philanthropy California’s Director of Climate and Disaster Resilience for the past four years. Alan will transition to the new role of Senior Advisor beginning February 2023. Underscoring NCG’s deepening commitment to advancing equity in climate and disaster resilience, we will be growing the team, bringing on a new Climate and Disaster Resilience Director to continue the work.
How can corporate philanthropy be responsive to the demands of this moment? It's a question rooted in the very nature of a capitalist economic system, where corporations focus on maximizing returns exacerbates inequities. Into that mix, corporate foundations and champions of social responsibility mobilize their companies’ resources and talent to restore community balance and advance social good.