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Racial Equity Peer Learning Exchange

By convening representatives of foundations to exchange ideas, lessons, policies, and practices on racial equity and various aspects of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), REPG provides an opportunity for member foundations to improve their own approaches through peer learning.


Formed in 2006, the Race and Equity in Philanthropy Group (REPG) brings together foundations committed to improving their ability to comprehensively promote racial equity and inclusion in their policies, practices, systems and operations. By convening representatives of foundations to exchange ideas, lessons, policies, and practices on racial equity and various aspects of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), REPG provides an opportunity for member foundations to improve their own approaches through peer learning. In these facilitated discussions, participants in REPG have been able to receive guidance and feedback from peers on their institutional policies and practices in order to enable concrete and practical changes in foundation practice. The intent of the forum that REPG has created has been to design a space for mutual learning that actually leads to institutional change. As peer learning remains an essential way in which foundations listen and adopt new approaches, REPG harnesses its potential as a transformative tool.

REPG believes that, in the midst of increased conversation about racial equity and DEI in philanthropy, it is important to demonstrate specific examples of how foundations are actually demonstrating their commitment to these issues in policies and practices. By continually participating in REPG, core member foundations are committing to becoming better examples of racially equitable, diverse, and inclusive institutions. Stories of these institutional advances help ground theoretical conversations in practice. Therefore, REPG intentionally identifies ways to showcase the policies and practices of member foundations as a means of educating other foundations beyond the group. In this respect, REPG simultaneously provides a forum to strengthen the policies and practices of core members and advance the philanthropic field.

Marga Incorporated provides strategic advice and research to strengthen various pathways to improve society.  These pathways are manifested in a variety of ways, from philanthropic giving initiatives to creative partnerships that leverage the combined resources of the public and private, and nonprofit sectors.  Marga’s clients have spanned a wide range of institutions, from well-established multibillion-dollar foundations to grassroots community organizations to federal agencies to Fortune 500 companies and beyond.