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Development Director
East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy (EBASE)
About the Role:
The Director of Development is a visionary leader who will:
Grants Management and Executive Assistant, Pacific
The Campbell Foundation
Position Overview:
The Grants Management and Executive Assistant provides administrative and grants management support for the Foundation’s Pacific office and staff.
The successful candidate has a passion for being helpful and supportive, with a natural inclination to anticipate the needs of others, whether that be Pacific staff or grantees. They are deft at managing up and assuring that the staff and projects that they support have all the tools and information in place. They are supremely organized and continuously seek to refine their own systems.

Molly Woodbury, Membership Engagement Coordinator
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As a service to people seeking employment in foundations and to grantmakers with jobs to fill, NCG is pleased to post foundation-related job openings announced by our member grantmakers. Please log in to post your job. If you do not have one, you may create a website account.
Philanthropic nonmembers can post on the job board for a $100 fee.