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In the Red: Philanthropy’s Role in California’s Budget Woes, the Impacts and Solutions

As the political economy ebbs and flows, California finds itself dealing with significant budget deficits more frequently, which ultimately impacts our state’s most historically marginalized residents. Cuts to important programs impacting housing and homelessness, the social safety net, climate resiliency programs and much more have a disproportionate and adverse effect on women and children, low-income families, rural communities, and neighborhoods of color. Nonprofit and direct service organizations often see an uptick in their clients during economic downturns and are compelled to fill the gap without augmentation in funding and resources.

This year, the governor and legislature must reconcile a $38M gap and are proposing to do so through a combination of spending cuts, deploying reserves, and shifting funding allocations. However, there are other ways policy makers can address this situation in the near-term and advance long-term solutions. And philanthropy has an important role to play!

Join us in conversation about Governor Newsom’s 2024-25 budget proposal, key implications, and short- and long-term structural solutions to ensure a fiscally responsible state budget that reflects values rooted in racial equity and economic inclusion. We’ll explore the role philanthropy can play during difficult economic times and how the field can support community-based organizations and advocates working toward transformative policy changes and equitable public investments for their communities.


  • Understand the role philanthropy can play to support a fiscally responsible state budget
  • Explore how philanthropy can support community-based organizations and advocates as they experience the impact of budget shifts in their communities
  • Seed ideas for potential collaborations between funders, policy makers, and advocates


Jacky Guerrero

she/ they
Director of Equity in Community Investments

Chris Hoene

Executive Director

Judi López

Managing Director, Office of the CEO Programs
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