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Capacity Building Innovation: A Spotlight on Game-Changing Initiatives

Resourcing and strengthening our nonprofit ecosystem requires holistic grantmaking and bold innovation. It requires foundations to leverage all of their tools to support organizations in achieving their mission. Working together, we can build a nonprofit ecosystem that has the strength and resilience to win.

Foundations care deeply about the capacity of organizations and their sustainability. What can funders do to help strengthen their grantees? What can capacity and resilience building look like when we center nonprofits, prioritize their needs, and lead with our values?

Funders are reconsidering what it takes to support nonprofits using grantee centered approaches. Join us to learn how Magic Cabinet, Kataly Foundation, and the Latino Community Foundation center relationships, trust building, and grantees in their innovative capacity strengthening programs, grants and supports.

This event is a part of our Collective Resilience Initiative working to strengthen our nonprofit ecosystem. Learn more here.

Masha Chernyak

Sr. VP of Programs & Brand

Christina Engel

Executive Director

Jocelyn Wong

Director of Capacity Building and Analyst of the Restorative Economies Fund


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