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California Criminal Justice Central Valley Funders Convening

California’s Central San Joaquin Valley is a vast region with 8 counties. It is home to rural, agricultural, poor and working-class communities of color and contains the majority of the state’s prisons. Despite its rich history of organizing and the undeniable impacts of the state’s investment in carceral infrastructure, the Central Valley is overlooked by philanthropy. This region receives the least amount of philanthropic resources for community organizing in the state. 

We invite you to join California Criminal Justice Funders Group (CCJFG) for a 1.5 day convening in the Central Valley this Spring. This convening is intended to broaden funders' knowledge about organizing for safety and justice in this region and will focus on the question: how do we increase support for system-involved youth and people in the Central Valley, including movement leaders and their base? We will hear from representatives of community-based organizations about their needs and priorities and will make plenty of time for relationship building. 

As a demonstration of accountability to our movement partners, we’re asking that funders be able to initiate or increase commitments to fund community-based organizations in the Central Valley as a result of attending this convening. We will discuss this commitment with each attendee prior to the convening. 

This event is intended for California based funders only. Given that relationship building is a goal of this convening, we ask that funders attend both days of the convening and plan to stay through Tuesday’s closing circle. We will be in touch regarding accommodations following your registration and ask that our philanthropic partners pay for their own travel and lodging. 

This event is planned with the support of the National Center for Youth Law. It is co-sponsored by The California Endowment, Sierra Health Foundation, and the Central Valley Community Foundation. 

Below is a preliminary schedule. More details to follow. If you are interested in attending this convening, please email CCJFG's Coordinator Adrienne at [email protected].

Convening Dates & Agenda


Monday, April 15, 2024

  • 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm:  Arrival and Welcome
  • 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm: Introductions and Landscape Analysis Presentation
  • 4:15 pm - 5:30 pm: Small Group Conversations in Rotation
  • 5:30 pm - 7:15 pm: Dinner and Panel Discussion
  • 7:15 pm Offsite Gathering

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

  • 8:30 am - 9:30 am: Breakfast
  • 9:30 am - 11:00 am: Small Group Conversations in Rotation 
  • 11:15 am - 12:30 pm: Panel Discussion 
  • 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm: Lunch, Closing Circle and Commitments

We will provide registrants with information to assist them in their hotel accommodations. If you have questions about this convening, please contact our CCJFG Coordinator, Adrienne, at [email protected].

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