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(c)4 Power-Building Cohort Session #1

Registration Deadline: May 23 

At NCG, we believe that funders should take full advantage of every tool in their grantmaking toolbox to advance their systems-change, power-building, and racial equity goals. 501(c)4-aligned funding can accelerate movement building, strengthen our democracy, and advance racial equity.  

Funding Strategies to Accelerate Power-Building is a four-part cohort-based learning and collaboration series that will help philanthropic grantmakers sharpen their power-building strategies by engaging in 501(c)4 funding and complementary 501(c)3 funding strategies. The curriculum includes an overview of the legal parameters of (c)4-aligned funding, promising tactics for both (c)3 and (c)4 funders, and an introduction to high-impact, timely opportunities to invest in the field. Additionally, the series will provide opportunities for participants to engage with peer funders and make progress on their strategic goals.  

Session 1: Introduction to the (c)4-Aligned Ecosystem  

The first session will introduce participants to the curriculum and establish a shared analysis on the importance of engaging in (c)4 funding strategies. Participants will come away with a shared alignment on definitions of power-building, multiracial democracy, and multi-entity work and how that currently fits within their own grantmaking strategies. Participants will engage in collaborative activities to identify areas of shared interest with their peers and set their learning goals for the series.  

  • Session 2: Methods & Opportunities for Funding Long-Term Power Building 
  • Session 3: Maximizing Your Grantmaking and Operationalizing (c)4 Funding Strategies 
  • Session 4: The Life Cycle of Democracy & Movements 



See Full Curriculum>> 

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