Member Directory
Blue Shield of California
601 12th St.
Oakland, CA 94607
United States
(510) 607-2000

The California Endowment
1025 Saint John's Place, Apt F7
Brooklyn, NY 11213
United States
(213) 928-8800

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
343 2nd St
Los Altos, CA 94022-3696
United States
(650) 948-7658
The Hearst Foundations
90 New Montgomery Street, Suite 1212
San Francisco, CA 94105-4504
United States
(415) 908-4500

May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust
770 Tamalpais Drive, Suite 309
Corte Madera, CA 94925
United States
(415) 332-0166
Moss Adams LLP
PO Box 2147
Mail Stop 090
Seattle, WA 98111
United States
(206) 302-6800
Filter by:
Funding Area
- Show all (184)
- Arts and Culture (8)
- Capacity Building (5)
- Climate Resilience and Justice (18)
- Communities: BIPOC (16)
- Communities: LGQBTIA (1)
- Communities: Marginalized Genders (6)
- Community Organizing (3)
- Criminal Justice (2)
- Democracy Preservation (10)
- Disaster Response and Resilience (11)
- Economic Justice (28)
- Education (23)
- Global: Specific Regions (5)
- Health (15)
- Housing Justice (4)
- Immigration Justice (3)
- Movement Building (7)
- Nonprofit Sustainability (2)
- Policy Advocacy (6)
- Rural Development (2)
Funder Category
Types of Support
Geographic Funding Areas